Radio Iran – KIRN 670 AM
Radio Iran - KIRN is a broadcast radio station in Simi Valley, California, United States, providing Iranian Community News, Talk and Entertainment shows to the Los Angeles, California area. ------ Shows: World of Sports, Life Is Beautiful, Association Of Professors And Scholars Of Iranian Heritage, English Lesson, Fresh Air, Friends House, Golgasht, Holiday Morning, KIRN Music, KIRN News, KIRN Sports News, Life is Beautiful, Live from Hollywood, Morning Waves, Needs and Mysteries, Night Beats, One Spoon of Sugar, Parseh, Professional Hour, Rainbow, Senior Citizens Calendar, Stock Market, Sugar & Salt, Voice of Yuong Iranians, White Morning
Address 3301 Barham Blvd 300, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 90068
Email Alirezah@670amkirn.com
Phone +1 323-851-5476
Website https://www.socalpersian.com/
Twitter https://x.com/kirnradioiran
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KIRN